Thursday, January 1, 2009

Resolutions thus far...

1. Read (and finish!) at least 12 new books.

2. Visit the Tetons.

3. Run in at least 3 5k races.

4. Learn to cook.

5. Actually use my day planner.

6. Get/stay in shape.

7. Meditate more.

8. Worry less.

9. Buy a pair of TOMS every month.

10. Donate more to SaveDarfur.

11. Camp more often.

12. Photography: at least 4 days a week.

13. Have more faith in God.

Good start, I'd say!


Emily Barnard said...

Mmmm. The Tetons!

I am so excited about your resolutions :)

Make it happen

SheSaidFollowMe said...

I'll definitely be trying!