Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm sick of all the people out there who are still bitching about Obama winning. People who probably didn't have a political stance to begin with. Seriously? Maybe if you had the slightest idea of what was going on in the country beyond your own front door then you'd understand. No one said the man is God. Those of us that support him, that believe in him, just have a brain and a sense of duty to more than ourselves. Yeah, I cried. Because I cried when I found out what war really meant, and what it meant for us to be a part of something like that. Because I cry about how my family is financially crippled by health problems that can't be avoided. Because I cried when I would read about the state-by-state fight against same-sex civil unions and marriage. Because I cried when I would think about how many children are left behind by an education system that fails in low-income areas. Because I cry when I read about what's going on in Darfur and how little the current administration has done to aid the region despite the fact that a second Holocaust is obviously occurring. Yeah, I definitely cried the night he won. And many of those who were aware of these issues, or affected by them personally, did too. I'm not sick of those who were opposed to vote for him for their own political reasons, for his stance on issues important to them. No, I'm just sick of the bigots and the brainless.

p.s. I'm sorry, an admitted weakness of mine is that I'm very hostile about politics. This isn't meant for anyone that went out and voted Republican or Libertarian based solely on their political beliefs. But if you are one of those folk and you are offended, please say so so that I can apologize.