Thursday, January 15, 2009

The most darling thing happened today
Background story: Audrey and I decided we wanted to go to Clementine's for dinner and a coffee drink for her and pumpkin cocoa for me. But the parking lot was full so we went across the street to Eastside Cafe for the first time. Everything was a slightly out of our preferred price range. Audrey asked if I was getting anything and I said I just didn't feel comfortable spending $12 on dinner without having planned on it.
Apparently the lady at the table next to us heard everything. After she left, a waitress came over with an envelope and told us the lady had overheard us and wanted to give us a gift certificate-- for $40. Isn't that just the sweetest thing? We want to do that for a group on Guadalupe, just hand them a gift certificate to Kerbey Lane or something.
Anyway, we invited Blake over for dinner since we hadn't seen him in a while and that $40 gift certificate was just enough to cover a meal for all of us.

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